PASSCO Jobs 2023 Application Forms
Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation Limited (PASSCO) Lahore invites applications from suitable candidates for the following posts.
General Manager, GM, Deputy General Manager, Manager, Manager Accounts, Project Manager, Assistant Engineer, Deputy Manager Accounts, Deputy Project Manager, Law Officer, Private Secretary, Superintendent, Accounts Officer, Purchase Officer, Sub Divisional Officer, Assistant, Assistant System Operator, Assistant Network Operator, Accountant, Purchase Inspector, Clerk, Senior Clerk, Sub Accountant, Sub Engineer, Telephone Operator, Fax Operator, Junior Clerk, Assistant Security Inspector, Assistant Purchase Inspector.
How to Apply:
DownloadRequired Advertisement and Application Forms from
Send Application Form with required documents on given address
Pakistan Agricultural Storage & Services Corporation Limited PASSCO Head Office 11-Kashmir Road Lahore.
Career opportunity for General Manager Grade 20 (DAWN English)
Career opportunity for General Manager Grade 20 (English)
Career opportunity Grade 2-5 (English)
Career opportunity Grade 7-19 (English)