Candidates can download application form from National Testing Services (NTS) website (www.nts.org.pk), along with the deposit slip of Rs. 300/- from BS-01 to BS-09 and Rs. 400/- from BS-10 to onward. The test fee shall be paid in any branch of HBL, MCB and ABL on prescribed bank Challan (attached with application form downloaded from NTS websites).
The address of NTS Headquarter may be read as given below.
Analytical Assistant (BS-17), Assistant Public Analyst (BS-17), Assistant Director(Medical Fitness) (BS-17), Lab Incharge (BS-17), Principal Officer (BS-17), Medical Lab Technologist (BS-16), Assistant Public Analyst (BS-16), SO General (BS-16), SO Technical (BS-16), Master Trainer (BS-16), Nutritionist (BS-16), Research Officer (BS-16), Microbiologist (BS-16), Registration Officer (BS-16), Sampling & Analyst (BS-16), Research Assistant (BS-15), Assistant Microbiologist (BS-15), Assistant Master Trainer (BS-14), Medical Lab Technician, Phlebotomist (BS-09), Lab Attendent (BS-03)
Application Form:
Click Here
With the reference to following Advertisements of situations vacant:-
IPL No.6294 published in “Daily 92 News” dated 14
th July, 2019, and other daily national newspapers
IPL No.6298 published in “Daily Dunya” dated 13th July, 2019 and other daily national newspapers
IPL No.6295 published in “Daily Khabrain” dated 14th July, 2019, and other daily national newspapers
IPL No.6296 published in “Daily Ausaf” dated 15th July, 2019 and other daily national newspapers
Date for the submission of the applications is extended to 30-07-2019.
Other Terms & Conditions will remain same.
In Advertisement of situations vacant IPL No. 6296, the posts at serial no. 1 may be read as “Vigilance Officer
(BS-16)” instead of “Vigilance Officer (BS-17)”.
In Advertisement of situations vacant IPL No. 6295, the following amendments are being made in age limit and
qualification & Experience of post at serial no. 5:-