Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS)List of Candidates for NTS Test 2023
National Testing Service of Pakistan has announced the list of Candidates for NTS Test Which will be Conduct on Sunday 29th January, 2023.
Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Science Foundation (Science Talent Farming Scheme (6th Batch) NTS Test 2023.
List of Candidates
Test Date : Sunday 29th January, 2023
Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS)Test Center Details:
Download Test Center Details (Screening Test -2016)
Science Foundation(PSF) is the apex body for promotion and funding of scientific and technological research and science popularization in the country. PSF has two subsidiary organizations i.e. Pakistan Museum of Natural History (PMNH) and Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Center (PASTIC). The Foundation functions as a link of PMNH/PASTIC agency for the establishment of comprehensive scientific and technological information dissemination centers, promotion of research in the universities and other institutions, establishment of science centers, museums, promotion of scientific societies, organization of periodical science conferences, exchange of visits of scientists with other countries, prizes and fellowships to individuals engaged in developing processes of consequence to the economy of the country.
All candidates can check online their Name for Pakistan Science Foundation Islamabad (Screening Test for Science Talent Farming Scheme) and get List of Candidates here.
Science Talent Farming Scheme (STFS) online NTS List of Candidates.
STFS NTS List of Candidates
Test Date : Saturday, 3rd September 2016
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Some Students do not Qualify for NTS test due to Some Reasons like lass marks and previous Students of Matric can not give this test.
For List of Rejected Candidates”Click Here”