The Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has designated Ayub Teaching Hospital (ATH), Abbottabad as a Medical Teaching institution under the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Medical Teaching Institutions Act, 2015 and has granted autonomous status to the institution. ATH is going to start one-year Nursing Assistant training for candidates having the following credentials. After successful completion of the training, the candidate will be hired on the contract pay scale
Ayub Teaching Hospital (ATH) Abbottabad NTS Jobs 2023
1. The training will have a theory as well as clinical.
2. 100% attendance is mandatory during clinical as well theory classes.
3. The applicant has to follow the rules and regulations of ATH, MTI, Abbottabad.
4. At the time of admission each student will submit an affidavit, stating that they will be responsible, in case they failed to complete the training and they will serve MTI, Abbottabad at least for three years.
5. 05% quota is reserved for disable & 05% quota for minority person shall be applicable on the above mention posts (Disability Certificate issued by the Competent Medical Board should be required).
6. The institute has the right to with draw the advertisement.
7. The institute has the right to increase or decrease the number of posts.
8. Candidates will be disqualified if found of perjury in her documentation / credentials at any stage.
9. Only short listed candidates will be called for interview.
10. The eligible candidates or required to fill the form and attached the Matric mark sheet, certificate, domicile and other relevant document.
11. NTS test will be conducted for screening purpose. The passing standard is 40% marks in NTS test.
12. Last date for the application shall be 15 days from the date of advertisement. Application received after due date will not be entertained.
Note: NTS will not issue roll number slip through / courier / postal service to any candidate. Eligible candidate shall take print out of their electronics roll number slip (having picture of the candidate) from NTS website for appearing in the tests.
Address for apply and submission of documents:
National Testing Service (NTS), Plot No.94, Street No.4, H-8/1, Islamabad.